Math Department Information for Incoming First Year Students
For any questions about the Calculus courses, email
Scroll down this page for information about the following:
1. How to make sense of your Math placement score
2. First year Math courses at Harvard
3. Should I take Math 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 55, or AM22?
4. Resources for AP Math review
5. Links to Harvard Math events and community
HOW TO MAKE SENSE OF YOUR PLACEMENT SCORE AND MATH PLACEMENT ADVISING There was a Zoom information and question/answer session titled ‘Making sense of your placement score’ on August 7, 2024 at 3pm. The meeting explained the placement rubrics and then the host answered questions. Here is the link for a recording of this meeting. If you still have questions about your Math placement recommendation after this meeting, you can make an appointment to talk to an advisor on this page starting mid August. You can find additional information here. |
FIRST YEAR MATH COURSES AT HARVARD This PDF document has almost all the information that a person at Harvard needs with regards to courses for the start of the first semester. It describes the basic courses, how to distinguish them, how to sign up for them and who to contact for further advice. For even more about Math courses, see the Undergraduate Courses and Concentration Information web page. |
SHOULD I TAKE MATH 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 55 OR AM 22? If your Math Placement Recommendation says one of Math 18a—55a or AM 22a, and you are confused as to which to take after reading this PDF document, then come to the Zoom information/question-answer session on Monday, August 13, 2024 from 6-7:30pm (Boston time). Here is the Zoom link for the meeting. |
MATH PRACTICE AND REVIEW See this PDF for links to tutorials, practice and review of the AP material. See this other website for warm-up exercises and review for Harvard’s Math 1a and Math 1b. |
MATH EVENTS AND COMMUNITY Below are links to Harvard Undergraduate Math Organizations, Math Events Calendar and the monthly Math Memo Harvard Gender Inclusivity in Mathematics: Harvard Undergraduate Math Association: Harvard Mathematics Department Undergraduate Events Overview Math Table and the Open Neighborhood Seminar. Undergraduate Directed Reading Program Harvard Math NightFor more information regarding the greater Math community, see the Math Community page website. |