

Welcome to the Math PhD program at Harvard University and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Learn more about Harvard’s Math community and our statement on diversity and inclusion.

The Harvard Griffin GSAS Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging offers diversity resources and student affinity groups for graduate students.

The Harvard University Office for Gender Equity has dedicated GSAS Title IX resource coordinators who work with and support graduate students.

The application deadline for fall 2025 admission has passed. Applications for fall 2026 admission will open in September 2025.

For information on admissions and financial support, please visit the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Harvard Griffin GSAS is committed to ensuring that our application fee does not create a financial obstacle. Applicants can determine eligibility for a fee waiver by completing a series of questions in the Application Fee section of the application. Once these questions have been answered, the application system will provide an immediate response regarding fee waiver eligibility.

Note for Harvard College Undergraduates

Since it is better for a student’s mathematical development to learn mathematics at different institutions so as to be exposed to a broader range of mathematical perspectives, ordinarily applications for the mathematics PhD program from Harvard College undergraduates are not considered. If exceptional circumstances warrant an application from a Harvard undergraduate, an advisor or mentor of that student should seek approval from the Director of Graduate Studies before the student submits an application.