News Archive

Michael Simkin

Michael Simkin Answers n-Queens Problem

Michael Simkin, post-doctoral fellow at Harvard's CMSA, has an answer for the 150-year-old chess-based n-queens problem. An article on the n-queens problem and its answer is in The Harvard Gazette....
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Mike Hopkins Awarded Veblen Prize

Michael Hopkins--Department Chair and George Putnam Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics--has been awarded the American Mathematical Society's Oscar Veblen Prize in Geometry for co-authorship of the paper “On the...
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Special Colloquium Series–Spring 2021

Spring 2021 Special Colloquium Series: Talks-Videos-Registration All talks on Zoom 3-4pm • February 23, 2021 Allan Sly -- Princeton University Replica Symmetry Breaking for Random Regular NAESAT Talk Video •...
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