News Archive

A middle-aged man wearing glasses, a white shirt, and a navy suit jacket is smiling and looking head-on at the camera with his arms crossed.

The Human Nature of Mathematics

On Thursday, October 6, the Harvard Human Flourishing Program will bring Dr. Francis Su to Sever Hall to talk about mathematics for human flourishing. Su received his A.M and Ph.D....
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Department Profiles: Hakim J. Walker

Dr. Hakim Walker joined the Harvard Department of Mathematics as a preceptor in 2017. A graduate of Boston University and The George Washington University, he has received numerous teaching awards...
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A black and white headshot of an older man smiling at the camera.

Barry Mazur Awarded 2022 Chern Medal

Mazur received the award for his work in topology, arithmetic geometry, and number theory, and for his leadership and generosity in shaping the next generation of mathematicians. Earlier today at...
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Illustration of a boy leaning against a blackboard and a girl writing Math 55 on it with chalk.

Demystifying Math 55

By Anastasia Yefremova Few undergraduate level classes have the distinction of nation-wide recognition that Harvard University’s Math 55 has. Officially comprised of Mathematics 55A “Studies in Algebra and Group Theory”...
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