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Topological mirror symmetry for parabolic Higgs bundles


March 23, 2021      9:00 pm
Speaker: Shiyu Shen - University of Toronto

I will present work on establishing the correspondence between the (appropriately defined) Hodge numbers of the moduli spaces of parabolic Higgs bundles for the structure groups SL_n and PGL_n, building...
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Gromov–Witten invariants of some non-convex complete intersections


March 9, 2021      8:00 pm
Speaker: Nawaz Sultani - University of Michigan

For convex complete intersections, the Gromov-Witten (GW) invariants are often computed using the Quantum Lefshetz Hyperplane theorem, which relates the invariants to those of the ambient space. However, even in...
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Disc potential functions of Quadrics


March 2, 2021      8:00 am
Speaker: Yoosik Kim - Pusan National University

A disc potential function plays an important role in studying a symplectic manifold and its Lagrangian submanifolds. In this talk, I will explain how to compute the disc potential function of...
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Metric SYZ conjecture


November 24, 2020      8:00 pm
Speaker: Yang Li - MIT

One possible interpretation of the SYZ conjecture is that for a polarized family of CY manifolds near the large complex structure limit, there is a special Lagrangian fibration on the...
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Smooth asymptotics for collapsing Ricci-flat metrics


November 17, 2020      8:00 pm
Speaker: Valentino Tosatti - McGill University

I will discuss the problem of understanding the collapsing behavior of Ricci-flat Kahler metrics on a Calabi-Yau manifold that admits a holomorphic fibration structure, when the Kahler class degenerates to...
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A new perspective on the 2D Toda-RS correspondence


November 10, 2020      8:00 pm
Speaker: Matej Penciak - Northeastern University

The 2D Toda system consists of a complicated set of infinitely many coupled PDEs in infinitely many variables that is known to assemble into an infinite-dimensional integrable system. Krichever and...
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Self-duality in quantum K-theory


October 20, 2020      8:00 pm
Speaker: Henry Liu - Columbia University

When we upgrade from equivariant cohomology to equivariant K-theory, many important algebraic/geometric tools such as dimensional vanishing become inapplicable in general. I will explain some nice conditions we can impose on K-theory...
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Kaehler quiver geometry in application to machine learning


October 13, 2020      8:00 pm
Speaker: Siu-Cheong Lau - Boston University

Quiver theory and machine learning share a common ground, namely, they both concern about linear representations of directed graphs.  The main difference arises from the crucial use of non-linearity in...
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