Events Archive
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Special Colloquium: Stable degenerations of singularities


March 20, 2024      3:00 pm
Speaker: Ziquan Zhuang - Johns Hopkins University

Around 10 years ago, Donaldson and Sun discovered that metric limits of Ricci positive Kähler–Einstein manifolds are algebraic varieties, and their metric tangent cones also underlie some algebraic structure. I will...
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Special Colloquium: Interface Fluctuations in Random Surface Models


September 28, 2023      3:00 pm
Speaker: Amol Aggarwal - Columbia University

Random surfaces are central paradigms in equilibrium statistical mechanics. As these surfaces become larger, their statistical behaviors become strongly dependent on how their boundaries are pinned down. This can lead...
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Special Colloquium – Systems of points with Coulomb interactions


September 7, 2023      3:00 pm
Speaker: Sylvia Serfaty - NYU Courant Institute

Large ensembles of points with Coulomb interactions arise in various settings of condensed matter physics, classical and quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, random matrices and even approximation theory, and they give...
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Brandeis-Harvard-MIT-Northeastern Joint Colloquium at Harvard


May 5, 2022      4:30 pm
Speaker: Matt Kerr - Washington University in St. Louis

will speak on: Higher normal functions and irrationality proofs Apéry’s 1978 proof of the irrationality of ζ(3) relied upon two sequences of rational numbers whose ratio limits to ζ(3) very...
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A transcendental birational dynamical degree


December 9, 2021      4:30 pm
Speaker: Holly Krieger - University of Cambridge

The dynamical degree of an invertible self-map of projective space is an asymptotic measure of the algebraic complexity of the iterates of the map. This numerical invariant controls many aspects...
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