Events Archive
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Gauge Theory and Topology: Immersed curve invariants for knot complements

Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar, SEMINARS

November 4, 2022      3:30 pm
Speaker: Jonathan Hanselman - Princeton University

Bordered Floer homology is an extension of Heegaard Floer homology to manifolds with parametrized boundary, and in the case of manifolds with torus boundary knot Floer homology gives another such extension. In...
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Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar: Exotic 4-manifolds with signature zero

Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar, SEMINARS

October 7, 2022      3:30 pm
Speaker: Inanc Baykur - University of Massachusetts Amherst / Harvard

We will talk about our recent construction of the smallest closed exotic 4-manifolds with signature zero known to date. Our novel examples are derived from fairly special small Lefschetz fibrations...
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May 6, 2022      3:30 pm
Speaker: Matthew Hedden - Michigan State University

I'll recall the braid-theoretic characterization of knots in the 3-sphere bounding complex curves in the 4-ball due to Rudolph and Boileau-Orevkov, discuss generalizations to other 3-manifolds and fillings, a conjectural...
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Peg Problems: *Cancelled*


April 29, 2022      3:30 pm
Speaker: Joshua Greene - Boston College

This event has been cancelled for today, April 29, 2022. I will talk about joint work with Andrew Lobb related to Toeplitz's square peg problem, which asks whether every (continuous)...
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Gauge Theory: 4-manifolds with boundary and fundamental group Z

Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar, SEMINARS

April 8, 2022      3:30 pm
Speaker: Lisa Piccirillo - MIT EECS and Columbia University

In this talk I will discuss work in progress in which we classify topological 4-manifolds with boundary and fundamental group Z, under some mild assumptions on the boundary. We apply...
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