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Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra Unification


When: February 3, 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: CMSA, 20 Garden St, G10
Address: 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
Speaker: Juven Wang (LIMS, Royal Institution)
We propose a new mechanism for leptogenesis, named Topological Leptogenesis, in which dark matter consists of topological order, so gapped anyon excitations decay to generate the Standard Model lepton asymmetry. Topological Leptogenesis is in contrast with the Majorana Leptogenesis and Gravitational Leptogenesis. In the standard Majorana Leptogenesis, the baryon asymmetry of the present universe is attributed to the leptogenesis from the sterile right-handed neutrino with heavy Majorana fermion mass decaying into the Standard Model leptons in the very early universe, while the electroweak sphaleron causes baryogenesis at a later time. Gravitational leptogenesis can be regarded as an intermediate step between Majorana particle leptogenesis and topological non-particle leptogenesis. Topological Leptogenesis is derived out of Ultra Unification constructed from a mod 16 nonperturbative global anomaly cancellation that adds a symmetry-extended anomalous gapped topological quantum field theory (TQFT) to the Standard Model. Thus (1) the Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) Dark Matter partly consists of Topological Order with low energy TQFT, while there are anyon string excitations above the energy gap. (2) The 5th force is a Topological Discrete Gauge Force of (B-L) that mediates between the Standard Model particles, the BSM Topological Order, and gapped anyon string non-particle excitations. 
