The Legacy of John Tate, and Beyond
John Tate (March 13, 1925 – October 16, 2019) was one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century. This conference will mark the centennial of his birth with lectures related to his work and recollections from colleagues, family and friends.
Mon, March 17 | Tues, March 18 | Wed, March 19 | Thurs, March 20 | Fri, March 21 |
Michael Hopkins Opening remarks |
9:30-10:30 Yves André |
1:30-2:30 Clausen |
9:30-10:30 Richard Taylor |
9:30-10:30 Jennifer Balakrishnan |
10:15-11:15 Jacob Lurie |
10:30-10:45 Break |
2:30-3:30 Voloch/Saltman |
10:30-10:45 Break |
10:30-10:45 Break |
11:15-11:30 Break |
10:45-11:45 Bjorn Poonen |
3:30-4:00 Break |
10:45-11:45 Joe Buhler |
10:45-11:45 Andrew Sutherland |
11:30-12:30 James Milne |
11:45-1:30 Lunch |
4-5:30 Video tributes Ph.D student panel |
11:45-1:30 Lunch |
12:30-2 Lunch |
1:30-2:30 Wei Ho |
1:30-2:30 Frank Calegari |
2-3 Bhargav Bhatt |
2:30-2:45 Break |
2:30-2:45 Break |
3-3:30 Break |
2:45-3:45 Michael Harris |
2:45-3:45 Chris Skinner |
3:30-4:30 Henri Darmon |
3:45-4 Break |
3:45-4 Break |
5-6 Reception |
4-5 Brian Conrad |
4-5 Jared Weinstein |
- Yves André, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu Paris Rive Gauche
- Jennifer Balakrishnan, Boston University
- Bhargav Bhatt, Institute for Advanced Study
- Joe Buhler, formerly of CCR La Jolla
- Frank Calegari, University of Chicago
- Dustin Clausen, IHES
- Brian Conrad, Stanford University
- Henri Darmon, McGill University
- Michael Harris, Columbia University
- Wei Ho, Institute for Advanced Study
- Jacob Lurie, Institute for Advanced Study
- James Milne, University of Michigan
- Bjorn Poonen, MIT
- David Saltman, CCR Princeton
- Chris Skinner, Princeton University
- Andrew Sutherland, MIT
- Richard Taylor, Stanford University
- Felipe Voloch, University of Canterbury
- Jared Weinstein, Boston University
Limited funding available. If you require funding, please email Dinesh Thakur at dinesh.thakur@rochester.edu and Wayne Raskind at wraskind@ccr-princeton.org. For best consideration, please reach out by December 31, 2024.
Organizers: Wayne Raskind (IDA Center for Communications Research, Princeton) and Dinesh Thakur (University of Rochester)
Scientific Committee: Nicholas Katz (Princeton University), Mark Kisin (Harvard University), Barry Mazur (Harvard University), Wieslawa Niziol (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris Rive Gauche) , Ken Ribet (University of California, Berkeley) and Melanie Matchett Wood (Harvard University)
Sponsors: Harvard University Department of Mathematics, Clay Mathematics Institute, IDA, NSF