MIT-Harvard-MSR Combinatorics Seminar: Realizable Standard Young Tableaux


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April 5, 2023 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
MIT, Room 2-139

Amanda Burcroff - Harvard

We will discuss enumerative and structural properties of two families of standard Young tableaux, the realizable rectangular tableaux and the realizable staircase tableaux.  The realizable rectangular tableaux come from tropical rank 1 matrices, whereas the realizability condition for staircase tableaux comes from geometric realizability for sorting networks and the Edelman-Greene bijection.  The two notions of realizability are connected via the study of coherent monotone paths on
the permutahedron, as established by Black and Sanyal in their study of flag polymatroids.  As a consequence of providing tight asymptotic bounds on the size of these families, we make progress on the related studies of random sorting networks, realizable allowable sequences, and sorting algorithms.  Based on joint work with Igor Araujo, Alexander E. Black, Yibo Gao, Robert A. Krueger, and Alex McDonough.

For information about the Combinatorics Seminar, please visit...
