Math Science Literature Lecture Series


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May 5, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Pavel Etingof - MIT

Please register here to attend any of the lectures.


Title: Quantum Groups

Abstract: The theory of quantum groups developed in mid 1980s from attempts to construct and understand solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, an important equation arising in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. Since then, it has grown into a vast subject with profound connections to many areas of mathematics, such as representation theory, the Langlands program, low-dimensional topology, category theory, enumerative geometry, quantum computation, algebraic combinatorics, conformal field theory, integrable systems, integrable probability, and others. I will review some of the main ideas and examples of quantum groups and try to briefly describe some of the applications.

Written articles will accompany each lecture in this series and be available as part of the publication “History and Literature of Mathematical Science.”

The schedule will be updated as talks are confirmed.