Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference 2023
About the Conference
The Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference (GSTGC) is an annual meeting for graduate students interested in topology and geometry. The aim of the conference is to provide graduate students with the opportunity to give talks, communicate recent advances, exchange ideas, and meet other students in the field. Most of the talks at the conference will be given by graduate students but plenary and young faculty speakers will deliver several distinguished lectures.
- When: July 1-2, 2023
- Organizers will be emailing applicants and speakers soon with more details.
Plenary Speakers
- Dan Margalit (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Bena Tshishiku (Brown University)
Boyu Zhang (University of Maryland at College Park)
Young Faculty Speakers
- Aaron Calderon (University of Chicago)
- Arun Debray (Purdue University)
- Meng Guo (UIUC)
- Hyunki Min (UCLA)
- Morgan Opie (UCLA)
Yan Zhou (Northeastern University)
Harvard Organizers
Conference Policy
Statement of Inclusivity
The organizers of GSTGC 2023 are committed to creating an environment that is inclusive, supportive, and safe. We support the rights of all attendees to fully participate in the conference regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, pregnancy, immigration status, or any other aspect of identity.
Policy on Harassment and Discrimination
All participants at GSTGC 2023 will be treated with dignity and respect; discrimination or harassment of any form will not be tolerated. The conference, being hosted by Harvard University, is subject to the University’s policies on discrimination and harassment.
Since all funding for participants’ travel and lodging has been made possible by an NSF Conference Grant, we take this opportunity to remind our participants of the NSF’s zero tolerance policy on harassment: “The National Science Foundation (NSF) will not tolerate sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, or sexual assault, within the agency, at awardee organizations, field sites or anywhere science or education is conducted.”
Previous Conferences
- 2022 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
- 2021 Indiana University, Bloomington
- 2019 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2018 University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2017 Michigan State University
- 2016 Indiana University, Bloomington
- 2015 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2014 University of Texas at Austin
- 2013 University of Notre Dame
- 2012 Indiana University, Bloomington
- 2011 Michigan State University
- 2010 University of Michigan
- 2009 University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2008 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2007 University of Chicago
- 2006 Indiana University, Bloomington
- 2005 Northwestern University
- 2004 University of Minnesota
- 2003 University of Notre Dame