Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar: Instantons on Joyce’s G2-manifolds

Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar, SEMINARS

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April 7, 2023 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Science Center 507
Address: 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Langte Ma - Stony Brook University

As 7-manifolds with special holonomy, examples of compact G2-manifolds were first constructed by Joyce as resolutions of flat G2-orbifolds. Later Walpuski constructed non-trivial G2-instantons over Joyce’s manifolds via gluing techniques. In this talk, I will first explain how to define a deformation invariant of G2-orbifolds by counting flat connections, then describe the moduli space of instantons over certain non-compact G2-manifolds that appeared in Joyce’s construction, with the aim to give a complete description of moduli spaces over some examples in Joyce’s list.