Loop-erased random walk—a random fractal


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April 1, 2021 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Greg Lawler - University of Chicago

Many models in equilibrium statistical physics produce random fractal curves “at criticality.”  I will discuss one particular model, the loop-erased random walk, which is closely related to uniform spanning trees and Laplacian motion, and survey what is known today including some more recent results.  I will also discuss some of the important open problems and explain why the problem is hardest in exactly three dimensions. This talk is intended for a general mathematics audience and does not assume the audience knows the terms in the previous sentence.

Zoom: https://northeastern.zoom.us/j/95962897745?pwd=UFFPV2sxUitpWGFZbVErM1kwY284Zz09

For password email Andrew McGuinness