CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Fracton orders in hyperbolic space and its excitations with fractal mobility


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February 3, 2023 10:30 am - 11:30 am
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Han Yan - Rice University

Unlike ordinary topological quantum phases, fracton orders are intimately dependent on the underlying lattice geometry. In this work, we study a generalization of the X-cube model, on lattices embedded in a stack of hyperbolic planes. We demonstrate that for certain hyperbolic lattice tesselations, this model hosts a new kind of subdimensional particle, treeons, which can only move on a fractal-shaped subset of the lattice. Such an excitation only appears on hyperbolic geometries; on flat spaces, treeons become either a lineon or a planeon. Additionally, we find intriguingly that for certain hyperbolic tessellations, a fracton can be created by a membrane operator (as in the X-cube model) or by a fractal-shaped operator within the hyperbolic plane. Our work shows that there are still plenty of exotic behaviors from fracton order to be explored, especially when the embedding geometry is curved.
Reference: H. Yan, K. Slage, A. H. Nevidomskyy, arXiv:2211.15829

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