CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Classification of Self-Dual Vertex Operator Superalgebras of Central Charge at Most 24


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June 9, 2023 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Gerald Höhn, Kansas State University and Sven Möller, University of Hamburg

We discuss the classification of self-dual vertex operator superalgebras (SVOAs) of central charge 24, or in physics parlance the purely chiral 2-dimensional fermionic conformal field theories with just one primary field.

There are exactly 969 such SVOAs under suitable regularity assumptions and the assumption that the shorter moonshine module VB^# is the unique self-dual SVOA of central charge 23.5 whose weight-1/2 and weight-1 spaces vanish.

We construct and classify the self-dual SVOAs by determining the 2-neighbourhood graph of the self-dual (purely bosonic) VOAs of central charge 24 and also by realising them as simple-current extensions of a dual pair containing a certain maximal lattice VOA. We show that all SVOAs besides VB^# x F and potential fake copies thereof stem from
elements of the Conway group Co_0, the automorphism group of the Leech lattice.

By splitting off free fermions F, if possible, we obtain the classification for all central charges less than or equal to 24.

Reference: G. Höhn, S. Möller, arXiv:2303.17190.

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