CMSA Member Seminar: Explicit Ramsey Graphs and Two Source Extractors


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October 21, 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
CMSA, 20 Garden St, G10
Address: 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

David Zuckerman - Harvard CMSA/The University of Texas at Austin

Ramsey showed that any graph on N nodes contains a clique or independent set of size (log N)/2.  Erdos showed that there exist graphs on N nodes with no clique or independent set of size 2 log N, and asked for an explicit construction of such graphs.  This turns out to relate to the question of extracting high-quality randomness from two independent low-quality sources.  I'll explain this connection and our recent exponential improvement in constructing two-source extractors.

This seminar will begin at 11:00am and lunch will follow at 12:00pm.