CMSA Geometry and Physics Seminar: Collective integrable systems and global action-angle coordinates


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July 7, 2020 9:30 am - 10:30 am
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Jeremy Lane - McMaster University

A "collective integrable system" on a symplectic manifold is a commutative integrable system constructed from a Hamiltonian action of a non-commutative Lie group. Motivated by the example of Gelfand-Zeitlin systems, we give a construction of collective integrable systems that generate a Hamiltonian torus action on a dense subset of any Hamiltonian K-manifold, where K is any compact connected Lie group. In the case where the Hamiltonian K-manifold is compact and multiplicity free, the resulting Hamiltonian torus action is completely integrable and yields global action angle coordinates. Moreover, the image of the moment map is a (non-simple) convex polytope.
