CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Chiral edge modes, thermoelectric transport, and the Third Law of Thermodynamics


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April 8, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Anton Kapustin - Caltech

In this talk, I will discuss several issues related to thermoelectric transport, with application to topological invariants of chiral topological phases in two dimensions. In the first part of the talk, I will argue in several different ways that the only topological invariants associated with anomalous edge transport are the Hall conductance and the thermal Hall conductance. Thermoelectric coefficients are shown to vanish at zero temperature and do not give rise to topological invariants. In the second part of the talk, I will describe microscopic formulas for transport coefficients (Kubo formulas) which are valid for arbitrary interacting lattice systems. I will show that in general “textbook" Kubo formulas require corrections. This is true even for some dissipative transport coefficients, such as Seebeck and Peltier coefficients. I will also make a few remarks about “matching” (in the sense of Effective Field Theory) between microscopic descriptions of transport and hydrodynamics.
