CMSA Colloquium: Koszul duality & twisted holography for asymptotically flat spacetimes


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March 18, 2024 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
CMSA, 20 Garden St, G10
Address: 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Natalie Paquette - University of Washington Seattle

Koszul duality has been understood in recent years to characterize order-type defects in twists of supersymmetric field theories. This notion has been generalized, from a physical point of view, by studying couplings between D-branes and closed string theories in the topological string. Computing the D-brane backreaction, and studying the resulting open/closed string duality, is the purview of the twisted holography program. Twisted holography seeks to study supersymmetric sectors of the AdS/CFT correspondence using these methods, and leverage the appropriate generalization of Koszul duality to elucidate the bulk/boundary map. When applying these methods to a topological string configuration on twistor space, one can construct an instance of twisted holography in which a 2d chiral algebra, supported on the ``celestial sphere'', is dual to a 4d theory in an asymptotically flat spacetime. This is the first such top-down example of holography in a 4d asymptotically flat spacetime. This talk describes joint work done, variously, with Kevin Costello, Brian Williams, and Atul Sharma.