CMSA Algebraic Geometry in String Theory Seminar: M-theory on nodal Calabi-Yau 3-folds and torsion refined GV-invariants


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December 11, 2023 10:30 am - 11:30 am
CMSA, 20 Garden St, G10
Address: 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Thorsten Schimannek - Utrecht University

The physics of M-theory and Type IIA strings on a projective nodal CY 3-folds is determined by the geometry of a small resolution, even if the latter is not Kähler.
We will demonstrate this explicitly in the context of a family of Calabi-Yau double covers of P^3.
Using conifold transitions, we prove that the exceptional curves in any small resolution are torsion while M-theory develops a discrete gauge symmetry.
This leads to a torsion refinement of the ordinary Gopakumar-Vafa invariants, that is associated to the singular Calabi-Yau and captures the enumerative geometry of the non-Kähler resolutions.
We further argue that twisted circle compactifications of the 5d theory are dual to IIA compactifications on the nodal CY 3-fold with a flat but topologically non-trivial B-field.
As a result, the torsion refined invariants are encoded in the topological string partition functions with different choices for the global topology of a flat B-field.

The talk is based on 2108.09311, 2212.08655 (with S. Katz, A. Klemm, and E. Sharpe) and 2307.00047 (with S. Katz).