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April 26
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    April 26, 2024

    CMSA Quantum Matter in Math and Physics Seminar: What Observables are Safe to Calculate?

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    April 26, 2024
    20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

    In collider physics, perturbative quantum field theory is the workhorse framework for computing theoretical predictions to compare to experimental measurements. An observable is called “safe” if its cross section can be predicted order-by-order in perturbation theory with controlled non-perturbative corrections. In this talk, I show that naive definitions of “safety” are inadequate to determine which observable are perturbatively calculable. I then argue for a more refined definition of safety based on principles from optimal transport theory.


    Password: cmsa

    Richard P. Stanley Seminar in Combinatorics: Colored Interacting Particle Systems on the Ring: Stationary Measures from Yang--Baxter Equation

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    April 26, 2024

    Recently, there has been much progress in understanding stationary measures for colored (also called multi-species or multi-type) interacting particle systems, motivated by asymptotic phenomena and rich underlying algebraic and combinatorial structures (such as nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials).

    In this work, we present a unified approach to constructing stationary measures for several colored particle systems on the ring and the line, including (1) the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (mASEP); (2) the q-deformed Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process (TAZRP) also known as the q-Boson particle system; (3) the q-deformed Pushing Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (q-PushTASEP). Our method is based on integrable stochastic vertex models and the Yang–Baxter equation. We express the stationary measures as partition functions of new “queue vertex models” on the cylinder. The stationarity property is a direct consequence of the Yang–Baxter equation. This is joint work with A. Aggarwal and L. Petrov.


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    Richard P. Stanley Seminar in Combinatorics: Szemer\’edi’s theorem and nilsequences

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    April 26, 2024-April 27, 2024

    Suppose A is a subset of the natural numbers with positive density. A classical result in additive combinatorics, Szemeredi’s theorem, states that for each positive integer k, A must have an arithmetic progression of nonzero common difference of length k.

    In this talk, we shall discuss various quantitative refinements of this theorem and explain the various ingredients that recently led to the best quantitative bounds for this theorem. This is joint work with Ashwin Sah and Mehtaab Sawhney.


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    Gauge Theory and Topology Seminar: Spectral GRID invariants and Lagrangian cobordisms

    3:30 PM-4:30 PM
    April 26, 2024
    1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Knot Floer homology is a powerful invariant of knots and links, developed by Ozsvath and Szabo in the early 2000s. Among other properties, it detects the genus, detects fiberedness, and gives a lower bound to the 4-ball genus. The original definition involves counting homomorphic curves in a high-dimensional manifold, and as a result the invariant can be hard to compute. In 2007, Manolecu, Ozsvath, and Sarkar came up with a purely combinatorial description of knot Floer homology for knots in the 3-sphere, called grid homology. Soon after, Ozsvath, Szabo, and Thurston defined invariants of Legendrian knots using grid homology. We show that the filtered version of these GRID invariants, and consequently their associated invariants in a certain spectral sequence for grid homology, obstruct decomposable Lagrangian cobordisms in the symplectization of the standard contact structure, strengthening a result of Baldwin, Lidman, and Wong. This is joint work with Jubeir, Schwartz, Winkeler, and Wong.