
< 2022 >
December 04 - December 10
  • 04
    December 4, 2022
    No events
  • 05
    December 5, 2022

    CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Exact Many-Body Ground States from Decomposition of Ideal Higher Chern Bands: Applications to Chirally Twisted Graphene Multilayers

    9:00 AM-10:30 AM
    December 5, 2022

    The Motivated by the higher Chern bands of twisted graphene multilayers, we consider flat bands with

    arbitrary Chern number C with ideal quantum geometry. While C>1 bands differ from Landau levels, we

    show that these bands host exact fractional Chern insulator (FCI) ground states for short range

    interactions. We show how to decompose ideal higher Chern bands into separate ideal bands with Chern

    number 1 that are intertwined through translation and rotation symmetry. The decomposed bands admit

    an SU(C) action that combines real space and momentum space translations. Remarkably, they also

    allow for analytic construction of exact many-body ground states, such as generalized quantum Hall

    ferromagnets and FCIs, including flavor-singlet Halperin states and Laughlin ferromagnets in the limit

    of short-range interactions. In this limit, the SU(C) action is promoted to a symmetry on the ground state

    subspace. While flavor singlet states are translation symmetric, the flavor ferromagnets correspond to

    translation broken states and admit charged skyrmion excitations corresponding to a spatially varying

    density wave pattern. We confirm our analytic predictions with numerical simulations of ideal bands of

    twisted chiral multilayers of graphene, and discuss consequences for experimentally accessible systems

    such as monolayer graphene twisted relative to a Bernal bilayer.

    For more information on how to join, please see:

    CMSA Swampland Seminar: IIB Explored - Dualities, Bordisms, and the Swampland

    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
    December 5, 2022
    17 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

     In this talk I will discuss the application of the Cobordism Conjecture to type IIB supergravity with non-trivial duality bundle. Calculating the relevant bordism groups we find that they are highly non-trivial and would predict the presence of various global symmetries in the underlying theory. Since quantum gravity theories do not allow for global symmetries, we discuss which defects need to be included to break them completely. Interestingly, we find many backgrounds that are well-known in the F-theory literature, such as [p,q]-7-branes, non-Higgsable clusters, as well as S-folds and their generalizations to higher codimensions. Further including worldsheet reflections, predicts the existence of a new non-supersymmetric 7-brane with interesting properties and applications, which I will discuss in more detail.


  • 06
    December 6, 2022

    CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Neutrino Masses from Generalized Symmetry Breaking

    9:00 AM-10:30 AM
    December 6, 2022

    We explore generalized global symmetries in theories of physics beyond the Standard Model. Theories of Z′ bosons generically contain ‘non-invertible’ chiral symmetries, whose presence indicates a natural paradigm to break this symmetry by an exponentially small amount in an ultraviolet completion. For example, in models of gauged lepton family difference such as the phenomenologically well-motivated U(1)Lμ−Lτ, there is a non-invertible lepton number symmetry which protects neutrino masses. We embed these theories in gauged non-Abelian horizontal lepton symmetries, e.g. U(1)Lμ−Lτ⊂SU(3)H, where the generalized symmetries are broken nonperturbatively by the existence of lepton family magnetic monopoles. In such theories, either Majorana or Dirac neutrino masses may be generated through quantum gauge theory effects from the charged lepton Yukawas e.g. yν∼yτexp(−Sinst). These theories require no bevy of new fields nor ad hoc additional global symmetries, but are instead simple, natural, and predictive: the discovery of a lepton family Z′ at low energies will reveal the scale at which Lμ−Lτ emerges from a larger gauge symmetry.

    For more information on how to join, please see:

    Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry: On Quot schemes of rank zero quotients over a curve

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    December 6, 2022

    I will discuss various aspects of the geometry of Quot schemes of torsion quotients on a smooth projective curve. I will describe in particular results on the cohomology of tautological vector bundles over the Quot scheme, which mirror a parallel picture in the geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points over a surface. The subject has an interesting combinatorial and computational flavor. The talk is partly based on joint work with D. Oprea and S. Sam.


  • 07
    December 7, 2022

    CMSA Topological Quantum Matter: Controlling Quantum Matter with Quantum Cavity Fields

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    December 7, 2022
    20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

    Cavity modification of material properties and phenomena is a novel research field motivated by the advances in strong light-matter interactions~[1]. For condensed matter systems it has been demonstrated experimentally that the transport properties of 2D materials can be modified via coupling to vacuum fields~[2,3]. While in polaritonic chemistry it has been shown that ground state chemical properties can be controlled with cavity fields~[4].  In the first part of my talk, I will present how the quantized cavity field can alter the conduction  properties of a condensed matter system by focusing on the paradigmatic Sommerfeld model of the free electron gas~[5]. The exact analytic solution of the Sommerfeld model in the cavity will be presented as well as its fundamental properties. Then, in the second part of the talk, I will focus on a many-particle system of cold ions in a harmonic trap coupled to the cavity field. I will show how this system couples collectively to the cavity and that hybrid states between light and matter, known as polaritons, emerge. The formation of polaritons leads to the modification of the properties of the cold ions and enhances the localization of the many-body wave function~[6]. Connections to experiments will be discussed as well.


    [1] F. Garcia-Vidal, C. Ciuti, T. W. Ebbesen, Science, 373, 178 (2021)

    [2] G. L. Paravicini-Bagliani et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 186-190 (2019)

    [3] F. Appugliese et al., Science 375 (6584), 1030-1034 (2022)

    [4] T. W. Ebbesen, Acc. Chem. Res. 49, 11, 2403–2412 (2016)

    [5] V. Rokaj, M. Ruggenthaler, F. G. Eich, A. Rubio, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013012 (2022)

    [6] V. Rokaj, S.I. Mistakidis, H.R. Sadeghpour, arXiv:2207.03436 (2022)


    For more information on how to join, please see:

    CMSA New Technologies: How do Transformers reason? First principles via automata, semigroups, and circuits

    2:00 PM-3:00 PM
    December 7, 2022
    20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

    The current “Transformer era” of deep learning is marked by the emergence of combinatorial and algorithmic reasoning capabilities in large sequence models, leading to dramatic advances in natural language understanding, program synthesis, and theorem proving. What is the nature of these models’ internal representations (i.e. how do they represent the states and computational steps of the algorithms they execute)? How can we understand and mitigate their weaknesses, given that they resist interpretation? In this work, we present some insights (and many further mysteries) through the lens of automata and their algebraic structure.

    Specifically, we investigate the apparent mismatch between recurrent models of computation (automata & Turing machines) and Transformers (which are typically shallow and non-recurrent). Using tools from circuit complexity and semigroup theory, we characterize shortcut solutions, whereby a shallow Transformer with only o(T) layers can exactly replicate T computational steps of an automaton. We show that Transformers can efficiently represent these shortcuts in theory; furthermore, in synthetic experiments, standard training successfully finds these shortcuts. We demonstrate that shortcuts can lead to statistical brittleness, and discuss mitigations.

    Joint work with Bingbin Liu, Jordan Ash, Surbhi Goel, and Akshay Krishnamurthy.

    This seminar will be held in person and on Zoom. For more information on how to join, please see:

    CMSA Probability Seminar: Fourier quasicrystals and stable polynomials

    3:30 PM-4:30 PM
    December 7, 2022

    The Poisson summation formula says that the countable sum of exp(int), over all integers n, vanishes as long as t is not an integer multiple of 2 pi. Can we find a non-periodic discrete set A, such that the sum of exp(iat), over a in A, vanishes for all t outside of a discrete set? The surprising answer is yes. Yves Meyer called the atomic measure supported on such a set a crystalline measure. Crystalline measures provide another surprising connection between physics (quasicrystals) and number theory (the zeros of the Zeta and L functions under GRH). A recent work of Pavel Kurasov and Peter Sarnak provided a construction of crystalline measures with ‘good’ convergence (Fourier quasicrystals) using stable polynomials, a family of multivariate polynomials that were previously used in proving the Lee-Yang circle theorem and the Kadison-Singer conjecture. After providing the needed background, I will discuss a recent work in progress with Cynthia Vinzant on the classification of these Kurasov-Sarnak measures and their supporting sets. We prove that these sets have well-defined gap distributions. We show that each Kurasov-Sarnak measure decomposes according to the irreducible decomposition of its associated polynomial, and the measures associated with each irreducible factor is either supported on an arithmetic progression, or its support has a bounded intersection with any arithmetic progression. Finally, we construct random Kurasov-Sarnak measures with gap distribution as close as we want to the eigenvalues spacing of a random unitary matrix.

    Based on joint work with Pravesh Kothari.


  • 08
    December 8, 2022

    CMSA General Relativity: A new proof for the nonlinear stability of slowly-rotating Kerr-de Sitter

    9:30 AM-10:30 AM
    December 8, 2022

    The nonlinear stability of the slowly-rotating Kerr-de Sitter family was first proven by Hintz and Vasy in 2016 using microlocal techniques. In my talk, I will present a novel proof of the nonlinear stability of slowly-rotating Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes that avoids frequency-space techniques outside of a neighborhood of the trapped set. The proof uses vector field techniques to uncover a spectral gap corresponding to exponential decay at the level of the linearized equation. The exponential decay of solutions to the linearized problem is then used in a bootstrap proof to conclude nonlinear stability.

    For more information on how to join, please see:

    CMSA Active Matter: Self-organization of motile cells by quorum-sensing or chemotactic interactions

    1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    December 8, 2022

    Equilibrium statistical mechanics tells us how to control the self-assembly of passive materials by tuning the competition between energy and entropy to achieve desired states of organization. Out of equilibrium, no such principles apply and self organization principles are scarce. Active matter describes systems in which individual units dissipate energy to exert forces on their environment. Dissipation and injection of energy are then disconnected at the microscopic scale, hence driving the system strongly out of thermal equilibrium. This leads to a phenomenology markedly different from that of equilibrium systems, such as the emergence of dense phases in the absence of cohesive attractive forces, but it also leaves us without guiding principles to
    understand the self-organization of active matter. In this talk I will review the progress which has been made over the past ten years to control the organization of self-propelled agents using motility control, either externally or through interactions. I will show that generic principles apply and illustrate the theoretical developments presented in the talk using recent experiments on the motility-induced self-organization of bacterial mixtures.

    This seminar will be held in person and on Zoom. For more information on how to join, please see:

  • 09
    December 9, 2022
    No events
  • 10
    December 10, 2022
    No events