
< 2021 >
October 24 - October 30
  • 24
    October 24, 2021
    No events
  • 25
    October 25, 2021
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  • 26
    October 26, 2021

    A Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning

    9:30 AM-10:30 AM
    October 26, 2021

    The heart of modern machine learning (ML) is the approximation of high-dimensional functions. Traditional approaches, such as approximation by piecewise polynomials, wavelets, or other linear combinations of fixed basis functions, suffer from the curse of dimensionality (CoD). This does not seem to be the case for the neural network-based ML models. To quantify this, we need to develop the corresponding mathematical framework. At the same time, we might be able to use ML to solve problems in computational science that we could not solve before due to CoD. In this talk, I will report the progress made so far at the theoretical front, and highlight the main remaining challenges. I will also discuss some examples along the lines of “AI for Science”.

    CMSA Combinatorics, Physics and Probability Seminar: The n-queens problem

    9:30 AM-10:30 AM
    October 26, 2021

    The n-queens problem asks how many ways there are to place n queens on an n x n chessboard so that no two queens can attack one another, and the toroidal n-queens problem asks the same question where the board is considered on the surface of a torus. Let Q(n) denote the number of n-queens configurations on the classical board and T(n) the number of toroidal n-queens configurations. The toroidal problem was first studied in 1918 by Pólya who showed that T(n)>0 if and only if n is not divisible by 2 or 3. Much more recently Luria showed that T(n) is at most ((1+o(1))ne^{-3})^n and conjectured equality when n is not divisible by 2 or 3. We prove this conjecture, prior to which no non-trivial lower bounds were known to hold for all (sufficiently large) n not divisible by 2 or 3. We also show that Q(n) is at least ((1+o(1))ne^{-3})^n for all natural numbers n which was independently proved by Luria and Simkin and, combined with our toroidal result, completely settles a conjecture of Rivin, Vardi and Zimmerman regarding both Q(n) and T(n).

    In this talk we’ll discuss our methods used to prove these results. A crucial element of this is translating the problem to one of counting matchings in a 4-partite 4-uniform hypergraph. Our strategy combines a random greedy algorithm to count `almost’ configurations with a complex absorbing strategy that uses ideas from the methods of randomised algebraic construction and iterative absorption.

    This is joint work with Peter Keevash.

    Password: 1251442

    Compactified Jacobians and the Double Ramification Cycle

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 26, 2021

    The double ramification cycle — roughly speaking, the cycle of curves admitting a rational function with prescribed ramification profile — is an algebraic cycle in the moduli space of curves, intimately connected to Gromov-Witten theory and classical Abel-Jacobi theory. The DR cycle has been extensively studied in recent years; one of the outcomes of this study is a remarkable formula in terms of simple classes in the tautological ring of \bar{M}_{g,n}. However, for certain more delicate questions involving the DR, such as computing its higher dimensional analogues or its behavior under intersection, one must study certain refinements of the DR, for which the existing methods do not give analogous formulas. In this talk I will discuss joint work with Holmes, Pandharipande, Pixton and Schmitt on how one can obtain such formulas by studying the DR via compactified Jacobians.

  • 27
    October 27, 2021

    CMSA Colloquium: Anisotropy, biased pairing theory and applications

    9:30 AM-10:30 AM
    October 27, 2021

    Not so long ago, the relations between algebraic geometry and combinatorics were strictly governed by the former party, with results like log-concavity of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of matroids shackled by intuitions and techniques from projective algebraic geometry, specifically Hodge Theory. And so, while we proved analogues for these results, combinatorics felt subjugated to inspirations from outside of it.

    In recent years, a new powerful technique has emerged: Instead of following the geometric statements of Hodge theory about signature, we use intuitions from the Hall marriage theorem, translated to algebra: once there, they are statements about self-pairings, the non-degeneracy of pairings on subspaces to understand the global geometry of the pairing. This was used to establish Lefschetz type theorems far beyond the scope of algebraic geometry, which in turn established solutions to long-standing conjectures in combinatorics.

    I will survey this theory, called biased pairing theory, and new developments within it, as well as new applications to combinatorial problems. Reporting on joint work with Stavros Papadaki, Vasiliki Petrotou and Johanna Steinmeyer.

    Zoom link: (Password: cmsa)

    CMSA New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar: Why explain mathematics to computers?

    2:00 PM-3:00 PM
    October 27, 2021

    A growing number of mathematicians are having fun explaining mathematics to computers using proof assistant softwares. This process is called formalization. In this talk I’ll describe what formalization looks like, what kind of things it teaches us, and how it could even turn out to be useful (in our usual sense of “useful”). This will not be a talk about foundations of mathematics, and I won’t assume any prior knowledge about formalization.

    p-adic Heights of the arithmetic diagonal cycles

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 27, 2021
    1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    This is a work in progress joint with Daniel Disegni. We formulate a p-adic analogue of the Arithmetic Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for unitary groups, relating the p-adic height pairing of the arithmetic diagonal cycles to the first central derivative (along the cyclotomic direction) of a p-adic Rankin—Selberg L-function associated to cuspidal automorphic representations. In the good ordinary case we are able to prove the conjecture, at least when the ramifications are mild at inert primes. We deduce some application to the p-adic version of the Bloch-Kato conjecture.

    p-adic Heights of the arithmetic diagonal cycles

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 27, 2021
    1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    This is a work in progress joint with Daniel Disegni. We formulate a p-adic analogue of the Arithmetic Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for unitary groups, relating the p-adic height pairing of the arithmetic diagonal cycles to the first central derivative (along the cyclotomic direction) of a p-adic Rankin—Selberg L-function associated to cuspidal automorphic representations. In the good ordinary case we are able to prove the conjecture, at least when the ramifications are mild at inert primes. We deduce some application to the p-adic version of the Bloch-Kato conjecture.

  • 28
    October 28, 2021

    CMSA Interdisciplinary Science Seminar: ARCH: Know What Your Machine Doesn’t Know

    9:00 AM-10:00 AM
    October 28, 2021

    Despite their impressive performance, machine learning systems remain prohibitively unreliable in safety-, trust-, and ethically sensitive domains. Recent discussions in different sub-fields of AI have reached the consensus of knowledge need in machine learning; few discussions have touched upon the diagnosis of what knowledge is needed. In this talk, I will present our ongoing work on ARCH, a knowledge-driven, human-centered, and reasoning-based tool, for diagnosing the unknowns of a machine learning system. ARCH leverages human intelligence to create domain knowledge required for a given task and to describe the internal behavior of a machine learning system; it infers the missing or incorrect knowledge of the system with the built-in probabilistic, abductive reasoning engine. ARCH is a generic tool that can be applied to machine learning in different contexts. In the talk, I will present several applications in which ARCH is currently being developed and tested, including health, finance, and smart buildings.

    Zoom ID: 950 2372 5230 (Password: cmsa)

    CMSA Active Matter Seminar: Drivers of Morphological Complexity

    1:00 PM-2:00 PM
    October 28, 2021

    During development, organisms interact with their natural habitats while undergoing morphological changes, yet we know little about how the interplay between developing systems and their environments impacts animal morphogenesis. Cnidaria, a basal animal lineage that includes sea anemones, corals, hydras, and jellyfish, offers unique insight into the development and evolution of morphological complexity.  In my talk, I will introduce our research on “ethology of morphogenesis,” a novel concept that links the behavior of organisms to the development of their size and shape at both cellular and biophysical levels, opening new perspectives about the design principle of soft-bodied animals. In addition, I will discuss a fascinating feature of cnidarian biology. For humans, our genetic code determines that we will grow two arms and two legs. The same fate is true for all mammals. Similarly, the number of fins of a fish or legs and wings of an insect is embedded in their genetic code. I will describe how sea anemones defy this rule.
    Anniek Stokkermans, Aditi Chakrabarti, Ling Wang, Prachiti Moghe, Kaushikaram Subramanian, Petrus Steenbergen, Gregor Mönke, Takashi Hiiragi, Robert Prevedel, L. Mahadevan, and Aissam Ikmi. Ethology of morphogenesis reveals the design principles of cnidarian size and shape development. bioRxiv 2021.08.19.456976
    Ikmi A, Steenbergen P, Anzo M, McMullen M, Stokkermans M, Ellington L, and Gibson M (2020). Feeding-dependent tentacle development in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensisNature communications, Sept 02; 11:4399
    He S, Del Viso F, Chen C, Ikmi A, Kroesen A, Gibson MC (2018). An axial Hox code controls tissue segmentation and body patterning in Nematostella vectensisScience, Vol. 361, Issue 6409, pp. 1377-1380.
    Ikmi A, McKinney SA, Delventhal KM, Gibson MC (2014). TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in the early-branching metazoan Nematostella vectensisNature communications. Nov 24; 5:5486.

    Zoom link:

    Password: cmsa

  • 29
    October 29, 2021

    CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar: Anomaly resolution via decomposition

    2:15 PM-3:45 PM
    October 29, 2021

    *Note special day and time*

    In this talk we will discuss a method of anomaly resolution due to Wang-Wen-Witten in the special case of (1+1) dimensional theories. Briefly, for our purposes, Wang-Wen-Witten argued that an ill-defined anomalous orbifold [X/G] could be resolved by extending G to a larger group and adding suitable phases. We analyze this process from the perspective of decomposition, a property of (1+1)-dimensional theories with “one-form symmetries” first described in 2006. Examples of such theories include orbifolds with trivially-acting subgroups, of which the extensions of [X/G] are examples. After a review of decomposition, we will see that decomposition implies that in (1+1) dimensions, the Wang-Wen-Witten procedure results in orbifolds that are equivalent to disjoint unions of orbifolds of X by explicitly nonanomalous subgroups of G.
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    Subscribe to Harvard CMSA seminar videos (more to be uploaded):

    CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar: Integrability and chaos of 1+1d chiral edge states

    4:00 PM-5:30 PM
    October 29, 2021

    *Note special day and time*

    I will talk about the integrability and chaos of 1+1d interacting chiral edge states, which may arise on the edge of 2+1d topological phases. We show that integrable chiral Luttinger liquid is not always a good low energy description of the edge states, and marginal interactions can significantly affect their spectrum and integrability. We first study N identical chiral Majorana fermion modes with random 4-fermion interactions, where we show that the system undergoes a transition from integrable to quantum chaotic as N increases. The large N limit defines a chiral SYK model where the Lyapunov exponent in the out-of-time-ordered correlation can be solved analytically. I will also present a chiral SY model consisting of N interacting SU(M)_1 WZW models, which host anyons and exhibits similar quantum chaos for Abelian anyons. Lastly, I will talk about the analytical and numerical study of the 4/3 FQH edge theory, which shows unusual behavior in its integrability.
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    Subscribe to Harvard CMSA seminar videos (more to be uploaded):

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  • 30
    October 30, 2021
    No events