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March 6
  • 06
    March 6, 2020

    **CANCELED** A scale-critical trapped surface formation criterion for the Einstein-Maxwell system

    10:30 AM-11:30 AM
    March 6, 2020
    Few notions within the realm of mathematical physics succeed in capturing the imagination and inspiring awe as well as that of a black hole. First encountered in the Schwarzschild solution, discovered a few months after the presentation of the Field Equations of General Relativity at the Prussian Academy of Sciences, the black hole as a mathematical phenomenon accompanies and prominently features within the history of General Relativity since its inception. In this talk we will lay out a brief history of the question of dynamical black hole formation in General Relativity and discuss a recent result, in collaboration with Xinliang An, on a scale-critical trapped surface formation criterion for the Einstein-Maxwell system.

    A topological approach to convexity in complex surfaces

    3:30 PM-4:30 PM
    March 6, 2020
    1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    We will discuss the classical notion of J-convexity of subsets of complex manifolds, and the closely related notion of Stein manifolds. The theory is particularly subtle in complex dimension 2. Surprisingly, progress can be made using topological 4-manifold theory. Every tame CW 2-complex topologically embedded in a complex surface can be perturbed so that it becomes J-convex in the sense of being a nested intersection of Stein open subsets. These Stein neighborhoods are all topologically equivalent to each other, but can be very different when viewed in the smooth category. As applications, we obtain uncountable families of distinct smoothings of R^4 admitting convex or concave holomorphic structures. We can also generalize the notion of J-convex hypersurfaces to the topological category. The resulting topological embeddings behave like their smooth counterparts, but are much more common.

    Future schedule is found here: