2020 Undergraduate Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the Mathematics Department’s undergraduate prizes and awards this year!

    David Mumford Undergraduate Mathematics Prize

From the income of the gift in 1997 of Peter L. Falb, A.B. 1957, A.M. 1957, Ph.D. 1961 to establish the David B. Mumford Undergraduate Mathematics Prize, to be given annually to the most promising senior concentrator in mathematics, provided such concentrator is outstanding.

The Mumford Prize will be shared by:
Peter Chen
Vaughn McDonald
Filippos Sytilidis

    Herb Alexander Award

From the gift of Susan Alexander, the Herb Alexander Award recognizes each year one of our outstanding undergraduates, and provides money to be used for research and travel.

The Herb Alexander Award is given this year to:
Natalia Pacheco-Tallaj

    Robert Fletcher Rogers Prizes

From the income of the gift in 1921 of the late Robert Fletcher Rogers, A.B. 1886, there have been established a first prize and second prize to be awarded annually to the College students who present the best talks before the Mathematics Table during an academic year.

First place: Kim Nguyen
Second place will be shared by:
Savvy Raghuvanshi and Lucy Wang

    The Friend’s Prize

was awarded to:

Anne Carlstein
Emily Jia

    Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize Winner

For excellent undergraduate work.

Zihong Chen