
Big Data Conference 2024
September 6, 2024 - September 7, 2024      9:00 am   On  September 6-7, 2024, the CMSA will host the tenth annual Conference on Big Data. The Big Data Conference features speakers from the...
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  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Intrinsic sign problems in topological matter

    Speaker: Omri Golan – Weizmann Institute of Science

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 1, 2020

    The infamous sign problem leads to an exponential complexity in Monte Carlo simulations of generic many-body quantum systems. Nevertheless, many phases of matter are known to admit a sign-problem-free representative, allowing efficient simulations on classical computers. Motivated by long standing open problems in many-body physics, as well as fundamental questions in quantum complexity, the possibility of intrinsic sign problems, where a phase of matter admits no sign-problem-free representative, was recently raised but remains largely unexplored. I will describe results establishing the existence of intrinsic sign problems in a broad class of topologically ordered phases in 2+1 dimensions. Within this class, these results exclude the possibility of ‘stoquastic’ Hamiltonians for bosons, and of sign-problem-free determinantal Monte Carlo algorithms for fermions. The talk is based on arxiv: 2005.05566 and 2005.05343.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Verlinde/Grassmannian correspondence and applications

    Speaker: Ming Zhang – UBC

    10:30 AM-11:30 AM
    October 5, 2020

    In the 90s’, Witten gave a physical derivation of an isomorphism between the Verlinde algebra of $GL(n)$ of level $l$ and the quantum cohomology ring of the Grassmannian $\text{Gr}(n,n+l)$. In the joint work arXiv:1811.01377 with Yongbin Ruan, we proposed a K-theoretic generalization of Witten’s work by relating the $\text{GL}_{n}$ Verlinde numbers to the level $l$ quantum K-invariants of the Grassmannian $\text{Gr}(n,n+l)$, and refer to it as the Verlinde/Grassmannian correspondence.

    The correspondence was formulated precisely in the aforementioned paper, and we proved the rank 2 case (n=2) there. In this talk, I will discuss the proof for arbitrary rank. A new technical ingredient is the virtual nonabelian localization formula developed by Daniel Halpern-Leistner.  At the end of the talk, I will describe some applications of this correspondence.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Math Science Literature Lecture Series

    Speaker: Yujiro Kawamata – University of Tokyo

    8:00 PM-9:30 PM
    October 5, 2020

    TITLE: Kunihiko Kodaira and complex manifolds.

    ABSTRACT: Kodaira’s motivation was to generalize the theory of Riemann surfaces in Weyl’s book to higher dimensions.  After quickly recalling the chronology of Kodaira, I will review some of Kodaira’s works in three sections on topics of harmonic analysis, deformation theory and compact complex surfaces.  Each topic corresponds to a volume of Kodaira’s collected works in three volumes, of which I will cover only tiny parts.

    Written articles will accompany each lecture in this series and be available as part of the publication “History and Literature of Mathematical Science.”

    For more information, please visit the event page.

    Register here to attend.
  • DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR: The Gopakumar-Vafa invariants for local P2

    The Gopakumar-Vafa invariants for local P2

    Speaker: Lutian Zhao – UIUC

    8:00 AM-9:00 AM
    October 6, 2020

    In this talk, I will introduce the Gopakumar-Vafa(GV) invariant and show one calculation on the nonreduced cycle. The GV invariant is an integral invariant predicted by physicists that counts the number of curves inside a given Calabi-Yau threefold. The definition has been conjectured by Maulik-Toda in 2016 in terms of perverse sheaf. I’ll use this definition on the total space of the canonical bundle of P2 and compute the associated invariants. This verifies a physical formula based on the work of Katz-Klemm-Vafa in 1997.



    Reconstructing CFTs from TQFTs

    Speaker: Zhenghan Wang – Microsoft and UCSB

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    October 6, 2020

    Inspired by fractional quantum Hall physics and Tannaka-Krein duality, it is conjectured that every modular tensor category (MTC) or (2+1)-topological quantum field theory (TQFT) can be realized as the representation category of a vertex operator algebra (VOA) or chiral conformal field theory (CFT).  It is obviously true for quantum group/WZW MTCs, but it is not known for MTCs appeared in subfactors such as the famous double Haagerup.  After some general discussion, I will focus on pointed MTCs or so-called abelian anyon models.  While all abelian anyon models can be realized by lattice VOAs, it is not clear whether or not they can be realized by non-lattice VOAs.  The trivial MTC is realized by the Monster moonshine module, which is a non-lattice realization.  I will provide evidence that this might be true for all abelian anyon models.  The talk is partially based on a joint work with Liang Wang: 


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Generation by Decomposition

    Speaker: Hadar Averbuch-Elor – Cornell Tech

    11:30 AM-12:30 PM
    October 6, 2020

    Deep learning has revolutionized our ability to generate novel images and 3D shapes. Typically neural networks are trained to map a high-dimensional latent code to full realistic samples. In this talk, I will present two recent works focusing on generation of handwritten text and 3D shapes. In these works, we take a different approach and generate image and shape samples using a more granular part-based decomposition, demonstrating that the whole is not necessarily “greater than the sum of its parts”. I will also discuss how our generation by decomposition approach allows for a semantic manipulation of 3D shapes and improved handwritten text recognition performance.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Symmetry-enriched random critical points and topological phase transitions

    Speaker: Romain Vasseur – UMass Amherst

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 7, 2020

    In this talk, I will describe how symmetry can enrich strong-randomness quantum critical points and phases, and lead to robust topological edge modes coexisting with critical bulk fluctuations. Our approach provides a systematic construction of strongly disordered gapless topological phases. Using real space renormalization group techniques, I will discuss the boundary and bulk critical behavior of symmetry-enriched random quantum spin chains, and argue that nonlocal observables and boundary critical behavior are controlled by new renormalization group fixed points. I will also discuss the interplay between disorder, quantum criticality and topology in higher dimensions using disordered gauge theories.


  • NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR: Bounding the number of rational points on curves

    Speaker: Ziyang Gao – CNRS/IMJ-PRG

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 7, 2020

    Mazur conjectured, after Faltings’s proof of the Mordell conjecture, that the number of rational points on a curve of genus g at least 2 defined over a number field of degree d is bounded in terms of g, d and the Mordell-Weil rank. In particular the height of the curve is not involved. In this talk I will explain how to prove this conjecture and some generalizations. I will focus on how functional transcendence and unlikely intersections are applied in the proof. If time permits, I will talk about how the dependence on d can be furthermore removed if we moreover assume the relative Bogomolov conjecture. This is joint work with Vesselin Dimitrov and Philipp Habegger.


    Password: The order of the permutation group on 9 elements.

  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA New Technologies in Mathematics: Subgraph Representation Learning

    Speaker: Marinka Zitnik – Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 7, 2020

    Graph representation learning has emerged as a dominant paradigm for networked data. Still, prevailing methods require abundant label information and focus on representations of nodes, edges, or entire graphs. While graph-level representations provide overarching views of graphs, they do so at the loss of finer local structure. In contrast, node-level representations preserve local topological structures, potentially to the detriment of the big picture. In this talk, I will discuss how subgraph representations are critical to advance today’s methods. First, I will outline Sub-GNN, the first subgraph neural network to learn disentangled subgraph representations. Second, I will describe G-Meta, a novel meta-learning approach for graphs. G-Meta uses subgraphs to adapt to a new task using only a handful of nodes or edges. G-Meta is theoretically justified, and remarkably, can learn in most challenging, few-shot settings that require generalization to completely new graphs and never-before-seen labels. Finally, I will discuss applications in biology and medicine. The new methods have enabled the repurposing of drugs for new diseases, including COVID-19, where predictions were experimentally verified in the wet laboratory. Further, the methods identified drug combinations safer for patients than previous treatments and provided accurate predictions that can be interpreted meaningfully.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Orbifold Groupoids

    Speaker: Justin Kulp – Perimeter

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 8, 2020

    Orbifolds are ubiquitous in physics, not just explicitly in CFT, but going undercover with names like Kramers-Wannier duality, Jordan-Wigner transformation, or GSO projection. All of these names describe ways to “topologically manipulate” a theory, transforming it to a new one, but leaving the local dynamics unchanged. In my talk, I will answer the question: given some (1+1)d QFT, how many new theories can we produce by topological manipulations? To do so, I will outline the relationship between these manipulations and (2+1)d Dijkgraaf-Witten TFTs, and illustrate both the conceptual and computational power of the relationship. Ideas from high-energy, condensed-matter, and pure math will show up in one form or another. Based on work with Davide Gaiotto [arxiv:2008.05960].


  • MATHEMATICAL PICTURE LANGUAGE SEMINAR: Exploring small fusion rings and tensor categories

    Exploring small fusion rings and tensor categories

    Speaker: Joost Slingerland – National University of Ireland, Maynooth

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    October 20, 2020

    I discuss some strategies for finding fusion rings of low rank (or if you prefer, fusion rules for a small number of objects) and corresponding tensor categories, or solutions to pentagon and hexagon equations. Since developing these, we have produced a large database of fusion rings by computer search, including many that we were unfamiliar with ourselves. I hope to describe the features of some of these and their generalizations at higher rank, particularly focusing on some of the less well known or studied examples, such as various rings with non-Abelian fusion. Secretly I am of course hoping that the audience will recognize some of these and share interesting information about them! This is very much work in progress. I also hope to say something about potential applications, for example to anyons on wire networks, and will briefly introduce some tools we are building to make it easy to explore and use these rings and categories.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Improved Lower Bounds for the Fourier Entropy/Influence Conjecture via Lexicographic Functions

    Speaker: Rani Hod – Tel Aviv University

    11:30 AM-12:30 PM
    October 20, 2020

    Every Boolean function can be uniquely represented as a multilinear polynomial. The entropy and the total influence are two ways to measure the concentration of its Fourier coefficients, namely the monomial coefficients in this representation: the entropy roughly measures their spread, while the total influence measures their average level. The Fourier Entropy/Influence conjecture of Friedgut and Kalai from 1996 states that the entropy to influence ratio is bounded by a universal constant C.

    Using lexicographic Boolean functions, we present three explicit asymptotic constructions that improve upon the previously best known lower bound C > 6.278944 by O’Donnell and Tan, obtained via recursive composition. The first uses their construction with the lexicographic function 𝓁⟨2/3⟩ of measure 2/3 to demonstrate that C >= 4+3 log_4 (3) > 6.377444. The second generalizes their construction to biased functions and obtains C > 6.413846 using 𝓁⟨Φ⟩, where Φ is the inverse golden ratio. The third, independent, construction gives C > 6.454784, even for monotone functions.

    Beyond modest improvements to the value of C, our constructions shed some new light on the properties sought in potential counterexamples to the conjecture.

    Additionally, we prove a Lipschitz-type condition on the total influence and spectral entropy, which may be of independent interest.


  • HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR: Stringy invariants and toric Artin stacks

    Stringy invariants and toric Artin stacks

    Speaker: Jeremy Usatine – Brown University

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 20, 2020

    Stringy Hodge numbers are certain generalizations, to the singular setting, of Hodge numbers. Unlike usual Hodge numbers, stringy Hodge numbers are not defined as dimensions of cohomology groups. Nonetheless, an open conjecture of Batyrev’s predicts that stringy Hodge numbers are nonnegative. In the special case of varieties with only quotient singularities, Yasuda proved Batyrev’s conjecture by showing that the stringy Hodge numbers are given by orbifold cohomology. For more general singularities, a similar cohomological interpretation remains elusive. I will discuss a conjectural framework, proven in the toric case, that relates stringy Hodge numbers to motivic integration for Artin stacks, and I will explain how this framework applies to the search for a cohomological interpretation for stringy Hodge numbers. This talk is based on joint work with Matthew Satriano.


  • DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR: Self-duality in quantum K-theory

    Self-duality in quantum K-theory

    Speaker: Henry Liu – Columbia University

    8:00 PM-9:00 PM
    October 20, 2020

    When we upgrade from equivariant cohomology to equivariant
    K-theory, many important algebraic/geometric tools such as dimensional vanishing become inapplicable in general. I will explain some nice conditions we can impose on K-theory classes to restore some of these tools. These conditions hold for many types of curve-counting theories (e.g. quasimaps) and are crucial for the development of those flavors of quantum K-theory, but they notably are not present in Gromov-Witten theory. I will describe an attempt to twist GW theory to fulfill these conditions.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: The uses of lattice topological defects

    Speaker: Paul Fendley – Oxford

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 22, 2020

    I will give an overview of my work with Aasen and Mong on using fusion categories to find and analyse topological defects in two-dimensional classical lattice models and quantum chains.

    These defects possess a variety of remarkable properties. Not only is the partition function independent of deformations of their path, but they can branch and fuse in a topologically invariant fashion.  One use is to extend Kramers-Wannier duality to a large class of models, explaining exact degeneracies between non-symmetry-related ground states as well as in the low-energy spectrum. The universal behaviour under Dehn twists gives exact results for scaling dimensions, while gluing a topological defect to a boundary allows universal ratios of the boundary g-factor to be computed exactly on the lattice.  I also will describe how terminating defect lines allows the construction of fractional-spin conserved currents, giving a linear method for Baxterization, I.e. constructing integrable models from a braided tensor category.


  • HARVARD-MIT-BU-BRANDEIS-NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM: Galois symmetries of the stable homology of integer symplectic groups

    Galois symmetries of the stable homology of integer symplectic groups

    Speaker: Akshay Venkatesh – Institute for Advanced Study

    4:30 PM-5:30 PM
    October 22, 2020

    There are many natural sequences of moduli spaces in algebraic geometry whose homology approaches a “limit”, despite the fact that the spaces themselves have growing dimension.  If these moduli spaces are defined over a field K,  this limiting homology carries an extra structure — an action of the Galois group of K —  which is arithmetically interesting.

    In joint work with Feng and Galatius, we compute this action (or rather a slight variant) in the case of the moduli space of abelian varieties. I will explain the answer and why I find it interesting. No familiarity with abelian varieties will be assumed — I will emphasize topology over algebraic geometry.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials and High-Temperature Superconductors Series: The not-so-normal normal state of underdoped Cuprate

    Speaker: Patrick Lee – MIT

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 28, 2020

    The underdoped Cuprate exhibits a rich variety of unusual properties that have been exposed after years of experimental investigations. They include a pseudo-gap near the anti-nodal points and “Fermi arcs” of gapless excitations, together with a variety of order such as charge order, nematicity and possibly loop currents and time reversal and inversion breaking. I shall argue that by making a single assumption of strong pair fluctuations at finite momentum (Pair density wave), a unified description of this phenomenology is possible. As an example, I will focus on a description of the ground state that emerges when superconductivity is suppressed by a magnetic field, which supports small electron pockets. [Dai, Senthil, Lee, Phys Rev B101, 064502 (2020)] There is some support for the pair density wave hypothesis from STM data that found charge order at double the usual wave-vector in the vicinity of vortices, as well as evidence for a fragile form of superconductivity persisting to fields much above Hc2. I shall suggest a more direct experimental probe of the proposed fluctuating pair density wave.


  • RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR: Non-convex variational principles for the RS free energy of restricted Boltzmann machines

    Speaker: Giuseppe Genovese – University of Basel

    2:00 PM-3:00 PM
    October 28, 2020

    From the viewpoint of spin glass theory, restricted Boltzmann machines represent a veritable challenge, as to the lack of convexity prevents us to use Guerra’s bounds. Therefore even the replica symmetric approximation for the free energy presents some challenges. I will present old and new results around the topic along with some open problems.


    Password: rmtpt2020

  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA New Technologies in Mathematics: Generalization bounds for rational self-supervised learning algorithms

    Speaker: Boaz Barak and Yamini Bansal – Harvard Dept. of Computer Science

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 28, 2020

    The generalization gap of a learning algorithm is the expected difference between its performance on the training data and its performance on fresh unseen test samples. Modern deep learning algorithms typically have large generalization gaps, as they use more parameters than the size of their training set. Moreover the best known rigorous bounds on their generalization gap are often vacuous.

    In this talk we will see a new upper bound on the generalization gap of classifiers that are obtained by first using self-supervision to learn a complex representation of the (label free) training data, and then fitting a simple (e.g., linear) classifier to the labels. Such classifiers have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer several practical advantages and have been shown to approach state-of-art results.

    We show that (under the assumptions described below) the generalization gap of such classifiers tends to zero as long as the complexity of the simple classifier is asymptotically smaller than the number of training samples. We stress that our bound is independent of the complexity of the representation that can use an arbitrarily large number of parameters.
    Our bound assuming that the learning algorithm satisfies certain noise-robustness (adding small amount of label noise causes small degradation in performance) and rationality (getting the wrong label is not better than getting no label at all) conditions that widely (and sometimes provably) hold across many standard architectures.
    We complement this result with an empirical study, demonstrating that our bound is non-vacuous for many popular representation-learning based classifiers on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, including SimCLR, AMDIM and BigBiGAN.

    The talk will not assume any specific background in machine learning, and should be accessible to a general mathematical audience. Joint work with Gal Kaplun.


  • NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR: Supersingular representations of p-adic reductive groups

    Speaker: Karol Koziol – University of Michigan

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    October 28, 2020

    The local Langlands conjectures predict that (packets of) irreducible complex representations of p-adic reductive groups (such as GL_n(Q_p), GSp_2n(Q_p), etc.) should be parametrized by certain representations of the Weil-Deligne group.  A special role in this hypothetical correspondence is held by the supercuspidal representations, which generically are expected to correspond to irreducible objects on the Galois side, and which serve as building blocks for all irreducible representations.  Motivated by recent advances in the mod-p local Langlands program (i.e., with mod-p coefficients instead of complex coefficients), I will give an overview of what is known about supersingular representations of p-adic reductive groups, which are the “mod-p coefficients” analogs of supercuspidal representations.  This is joint work with Florian Herzig and Marie-France Vigneras.


    Password: The order of the permutation group on 9 elements.

  • MATH TABLE: Math Table/Open Neighborhood Seminar: The IO Monad

    Speaker: Vinh-Kha Le – Harvard Undergraduate

    4:30 PM-5:30 PM
    October 28, 2020

    The purest forms of functional programming use monads to define computations that happen within contexts. For instance, the IO monad, which is a standard object in Haskell as well as languages inspired by Haskell, is used to handle processes that require interaction with the outside world. Monads are the dread of many fledgling programmers learning functional programming for the first time, but they are actually familiar constructions from category theory. This talk will discuss the definitions of monad in functional programming and category theory and describe how they are manifested in the context of a Haskell program that reads in and prints an integer.


  • CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Symmetry, Insulating States and Excitations of Twisted Bilayer Graphene with Coulomb Interaction

    Speaker: Biao Lian – Princeton

    10:30 AM-12:00 PM
    October 29, 2020

    The twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) near the magic angle around 1 degree hosts topological flat moiré electron bands, and exhibits a rich tunable strongly interacting physics. Correlated insulators and Chern insulators have been observed at integer fillings nu=0,+-1,+-2,+-3 (number of electrons per moiré unit cell). I will first talk about the enhanced U(4) or U(4)xU(4) symmetries of the projected TBG Hamiltonian with Coulomb interaction in various combinations of the flat band limit and two chiral limits. The symmetries in the first chiral and/or flat limits allow us to identify exact or approximate ground/low-energy (Chern) insulator states at all the integer fillings nu under a weak assumption, and to exactly compute charge +-1, +-2 and neutral excitations. In the realistic case away from the first chiral and flat band limits, we find perturbatively that the ground state at integer fillings nu has Chern number +-mod(nu,2), which is intervalley coherent if nu=0,+-1,+-2, and is valley polarized if nu=+-3. We further show that at nu=+-1 and +-2, a first order phase transition to a Chern number 4-|nu| state occurs in an out-of-plane magnetic field. Our calculation of excitations also rules out the Cooper pairing at integer fillings nu from Coulomb interaction in the flat band limit, suggesting other superconductivity mechanisms. These analytical results at nonzero fillings are further verified by a full Hilbert space exact diagonalization (ED) calculation. Furthermore, our ED calculation for nu=-3 implies a phase transition to possible translationally breaking or metallic phases at large deviation from the first chiral limit.
