\documentclass{article} \usepackage{epsfig} % NSF proposal generation template style file. % based on latex stylefiles written by Stefan Llewellyn Smith and % Sarah Gille, with contributions from other collaborators. \renewcommand{\refname}{\centerline{References cited}} % this handles hanging indents for publications \def\rrr#1\\{\par \medskip\hbox{\vbox{\parindent=2em\hsize=6.12in \hangindent=4em\hangafter=1#1}}} \def\baselinestretch{1} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Large{\bf Project Summary}}\\*[3mm] {\bf Proposal Title} \\*[3mm] PI Names \\ More PI Names \end{center} This is a proposal to do ..... \noindent {\bf Intellectual Merit} \ \\ \noindent {\bf Broader Impacts} \renewcommand{\thepage} {B--\arabic{page}} \newpage % reset page numbering to 1. This is helpful, since the text can only % be 15 pages, and reviewers will want to believe we've kept within % those limits \pagenumbering{arabic} \renewcommand{\thepage} {D--\arabic{page}} \newpage \centerline{\bf Results from Prior NSF Support} \noindent {\bf Previous Award Title} {\it award number} (PI); dates, \$amount Research carried out .... \ \\ \noindent{\Large \bf PROJECT DESCRIPTION} \section{Introduction} Text .... \section{A Section} More text. \section{Another Section} More text. Cite an example \cite[]{sample_ref} \section{Yet Another Section} \section{Time Line and Management Plan} \section{Summary: Significance of proposed work} \subsection{Intellectual Merit} \subsection{Broader Impacts} \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \renewcommand{\thepage} {E--\arabic{page}} \bibliography{draft} \bibliographystyle{jponew} \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \renewcommand{\thepage} {G--\arabic{page}} \noindent{\Large \bf BUDGET JUSTIFICATION} \end{document}