\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{times, graphicx} % Formatting commands \newcommand{\mainheading}[1]{\vspace{0.4cm} {\large\noindent\textbf{#1} }} \newcommand{\subheading}[1]{{\fontsize{13}{16}\selectfont #1}} \newenvironment{mainlist}{\begin{list}{}{ \setlength{\topsep}{0.15cm} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.05cm} \setlength{\parsep}{0.06cm} \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.0cm} }}{\end{list}} \newenvironment{sublist}{\begin{list}{}{ \setlength{\topsep}{0.05cm} \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.5cm} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.05cm} \setlength{\parsep}{0.0cm} }}{\end{list}} % setting the margins \setlength{\textwidth}{7in} \setlength{\textheight}{9.8in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.0in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.25in} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \parbox{6cm}{ {\Huge \bf HANK ZEE} \\ E-mail: hank@zee.com \\ Web page: www.zee.com/~hank } \hfill\parbox{5.5cm} {Department of Mathematics \\ Generic University \\ One Street Ave. \\ City, State 12345 \\ Home Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx \\ } \mainheading{Area:} Mathematics \mainheading{Personal:} Born January 1900 in Somewhere, State. U.S.~citizen. \mainheading{Education:} \begin{mainlist} \item \subheading{Generic University} Ph.D.~in Mathematics, 1999. \begin{sublist} \item Advisors: Blankety Blank and Blonkety Blonk. \item Random fellowship. \end{sublist} \vspace{0.3cm} \item \subheading{Generic University} B.S.~in Mathematics, summa cum laude, 1999. \end{mainlist} \mainheading{Employment:} \begin{mainlist} \item Generic University, 1999-1999. \end{mainlist} \mainheading{Awards and Grants:} \begin{mainlist} \item Random awards, 1999-1999 \end{mainlist} \mainheading{Publications:} Available on web page listed above. \begin{mainlist} \item [1.] (with B. Blank and B. Blank) Area is length times width, Part I, \textit{Math Quarterly} \item [3.] (with B. Blonk and B. Blonk) Volume is length times width times height, \textit{Math Quarterly} \textbf{3} (2000) \end{mainlist} \vfill \hfill {\small Page 1 of 2. Last updated: \today.} \pagebreak \mainheading{Talks:} \begin{mainlist} \item \subheading{\textbf{Conferences (Principal speaker):}} \begin{sublist} \item 1999: Generic Conference \item 1999: Generic Conference \item 1999: Generic Conference \end{sublist} \item \subheading{\textbf{Seminar Talks: }} \begin{sublist} \item 1999: Generic Seminar talk \item 1999: Generic Seminar talk \item 1999: Generic Seminar talk \end{sublist} \end{mainlist} \mainheading{Teaching Experience:} All classes taught at Generic Univeresity except where noted. \begin{mainlist} \item Mathematics \item Mathematics \item Mathematics \end{mainlist} \mainheading{Service:} \begin{mainlist} \item \textbf{Colloquium organizer:} details \item \textbf{Referee for}: details \end{mainlist} \mainheading{References:} \begin{mainlist} \item \begin{tabular}{ll} Blank, University of Blank & Blank, University of Blank \\ Blink, University of Blink & Blink, University of Blink \\ Blonk, University of Blonk & Blonk, University of Blonk \end{tabular} \end{mainlist} \vfill \hfill {Page 2 of 2. \small Last updated: \today.} \end{document}