Kaehler quiver geometry in application to machine learning


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October 13, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Siu-Cheong Lau - Boston University

Quiver theory and machine learning share a common ground, namely, they both concern about linear representations of directed graphs.  The main difference arises from the crucial use of non-linearity in machine learning to approximate arbitrary functions; on the other hand, quiver theory has been focused on fiberwise-linear operations on universal bundles over the quiver moduli.
Compared to flat spaces that have been widely used in machine learning, a quiver moduli has the advantages that it is compact, has interesting topology, and enjoys extra symmetry coming from framing.  In this talk, I will explain how fiberwise non-linearity can be naturally introduced by using Kaehler geometry of the quiver moduli.

Zoom: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/96709211410?pwd=SHJyUUc4NzU5Y1d0N2FKVzIwcmEzdz09