CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar: Multipartitioning topological phases and quantum entanglement


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November 24, 2021 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Shinsei Ryu - Princeton University

We discuss multipartitions of the gapped ground states of (2+1)-dimensional topological liquids into three (or more) spatial regions that are adjacent to each other and meet at points. By considering the reduced density matrix obtained by tracing over a subset of the regions, we compute various correlation measures, such as entanglement negativity, reflected entropy, and associated spectra. We utilize the bulk-boundary correspondence to achieve such multipartitions and construct the reduced density matrix near the entangling boundaries. We find the fingerprints of topological liquid in these quantities, such as (universal pieces in) the scaling of the entanglement negativity, and a non-trivial distribution of the spectrum of the partially transposed density matrix.

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