CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: On the six-dimensional origin of non-invertible symmetries


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October 18, 2022 9:00 am - 10:30 am
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Michele Del Zotto - Uppsala University)

I will present a review about recent progress in chartin non-invertible symmetries for four-dimensional quantum field theorie that have a six-dimensional origin. These include in particular N= supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories, and also a large class of N= supersymmetric theories which are conformal and do not have  conventional Lagrangian description (the so-called theories of "clas S"). Among the main results, I will explain criteria for identifyin examples of systems with intrinsic and non-intrinsic non-invertibl symmetries, as well as explore their higher dimensional origin. Thi seminar is based on joint works with Vladimir Bashmakov, Azeem Hasan and Justin Kaidi.

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