CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: 3d N=2 toric mirror symmetry and quantum K-theorys


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November 30, 2020 10:30 am - 11:30 am
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Zijun Zhou - IMPU

In this talk, I will introduce a new construction for the K-theoretic mirror symmetry of toric varieties/stacks, based on the 3d N=2 mirror symmetry introduced by Dorey-Tong. Given the toric datum, i.e. a  short exact sequence 0 -> Z^k -> Z^n -> Z^{n-k} -> 0, we consider the toric Artin stack of the form [C^n / (C^*)^k]. Its mirror is constructed by taking the Gale dual of the defining short exact sequence. As an analog of the 3d N=4 case, we consider the K-theoretic I-function, with a suitable level structure, defined by counting parameterized quasimaps from P^1. Under mirror symmetry, the I-functions of a mirror pair are related to each other under the mirror map, which exchanges the K\”ahler and equivariant parameters and maps q to q^{-1}. This is joint work with Yongbin Ruan and Yaoxiong Wen.
