CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Supersymmetric quantum field theory with exotic symmetry in 3+1 dimensions and fermionic fracton phases


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March 10, 2021 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
via Zoom Video Conferencing

Satoshi Yamaguchi - Osaka University

Fracton phases show exotic properties, such as sub-extensive entropy, local particle-like excitation with restricted mobility, and so on. In order to find natural fermionic fracton phases, we explore supersymmetric quantum field theory with exotic symmetry. We use superfield formalism and write down the action of a supersymmetric version of one of the simplest models with exotic symmetry, the φ theory in 3+1 dimensions. It contains a large number of ground states due to the fermionic higher pole subsystem symmetry. Its residual entropy is proportional to the area instead of the volume. This theory has a self-duality similar to that of the φ theory. We also write down the action of a supersymmetric version of a tensor gauge theory, and discuss BPS fractons.
