
  • 01
    March 1, 2021

    CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Mathematical supergravity and its applications to differential geometry

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    March 1, 2021

    I will discuss the recent developments in the mathematical theory of supergravity that lay the mathematical foundations of the universal bosonic sector of four-dimensional ungauged supergravity and its Killing spinor equations in a differential-geometric framework.  I will provide the necessary context and background. explaining the results pedagogically from scratch and highlighting several open mathematical problems which arise in the mathematical theory of supergravity, as well as some of its potential mathematical applications. Work in collaboration with Vicente Cortés and Calin Lazaroiu.


  • 01
    March 1, 2021

    Special Colloquium

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    March 1, 2021

    Title: Robustness Meets Algorithms

    Abstract: Starting from the seminal works of Tukey (1960) and Huber (1964), the field of robust statistics asks: Are there estimators that probably work in the presence of noise? The trouble is that all known provably robust estimators are also hard to compute in high-dimensions.

    Here, we study a fundamental problem in robust statistics, posed in various forms in the above works. Given corrupted samples from a high-dimensional Gaussian, are there efficient algorithms to accurately estimate its parameters? We give the first algorithm that is able to tolerate a constant fraction of corruptions that is independent of the dimension. Moreover, we give a general recipe for detecting and correcting corruptions based on tensor-spectral techniques that are applicable to many other problems.

    I will also discuss how this work fits into the broader agenda of developing mathematical and algorithmic foundations for modern machine learning.

    Registration is required to receive the Zoom information

    Register here to attend

  • 02
    March 2, 2021

    Integrability of Liouville Theory

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    March 2, 2021

    Polyakov introduced Liouville Conformal Field theory (LCFT) in 1981 as a way to put a naturalmeasure on the set of Riemannian metrics over a two dimensional manifold. Ever since, the work of Polyakov has echoed in various branches of physics and mathematics, ranging from string theory to probability theory and geometry. In the context of 2D quantum gravity models, LCFT is related through the Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov relationsto the scaling limit of Random Planar Maps and through the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikava correspondence LCFT is conjecturally related to certain 4D Yang-Mills theories. Through the work of Dorn, Otto, Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov and Teschner LCFT is believed to be to a certain extent integrable. I will review a probabilistic construction of LCFT and recent proofs concerning the integrability of LCFT developed together with F. David, C. Guillarmou, R. Rhodes and V. Vargas.


  • 02
    March 2, 2021

    CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Randomized Dimensionality Reduction for Clustering

    11:30 AM-12:30 PM
    March 2, 2021

    Random dimensionality reduction is a versatile tool for speeding up algorithms for high-dimensional problems. We study its application to two clustering problems: the facility location problem, and the single-link hierarchical clustering problem, which is equivalent to computing the minimum spanning tree. We show that if we project the input pointset $X$ onto a random $d = O(d_X)$-dimensional subspace (where $d_X$ is the doubling dimension of $X$), then the optimum facility location cost in the projected space approximates the original cost up to a constant factor. We show an analogous statement for minimum spanning tree, but with the dimension $d$ having an extra $\log \log n$ term and the approximation factor being arbitrarily close to $1$. Furthermore, we extend these results to approximating solutions instead of just their costs. Lastly, we provide experimental results to validate the quality of solutions and the speedup due to the dimensionality reduction.

    Unlike several previous papers studying this approach in the context of $k$-means and $k$-medians, our dimension bound does not depend on the number of clusters but only on the intrinsic dimensionality of $X$.

    Joint work with Shyam Narayanan, Piotr Indyk, Or Zamir.


  • 02
    March 2, 2021

    Decomposition theorem for semisimple local systems

    3:00 PM-4:00 PM
    March 2, 2021

    In complex algebraic geometry, the decomposition theorem asserts that semisimple geometric objects remain semisimple after taking direct images under proper algebraic maps. This was conjectured by Kashiwara and is proved by Mochizuki and Sabbah in a series of long papers via harmonic analysis and D-modules. In this talk, I would like to explain a more geometric/topological approach in the case of semisimple local systems adapting de Cataldo-Migliorini. As a byproduct, we can recover a weak form of Saito’s decomposition theorem for variations of Hodge structures. Joint work in progress with Chuanhao Wei.
